Sunday, May 6, 2012
Welcome to the Carnival
I got an anonymous message last night from a would-be reader and commenter regarding the pictures of obese women that I posted in a previous article. The message was negative and cruel and stupid and a lot of other adjectives I could list. As I have the settings for comments set to allow me to review them before they are posted, you never have to see this as a reader. Lucky you.
After I posted the article with the series of pictures of obese women I noticed an interesting phenomenon. This article gets the most hits of any article I have ever written--by far. Clearly when people search on "fat people" or "fat women" many of these pictures undoubtedly come up and obviously some are linked to this site, but I think it says a lot about what motivates people that this is the one post that has had literally thousands of hits.
I thought long and hard about removing it. But I am operating under the optimistic and perhaps unrealistic hope that the occasional circus freak aficionado who travels to my blog with the idea of spending a few minutes laughing at other people will somehow, through my commentary about the pictures, have some kind of an "ah ha" moment.
I do realize, however, it is probably like the old adage: "Never try to teach a pig to sing--it annoys you and frustrates the pig."
In my writer's fantasy what I write has an impact for good--and I have the ability to make people think, if even momentarily, about my message. I am going to throw a thought into the universe that for every ugly soul who comes to gawk a few will be transformed into thinking just a little bit differently about people who are, after all, fellow human beings.
Compassion will always be the most important of human traits. While once I would have said that compassion makes us unlike animals, my recent experiences rescuing so many dogs make me say that I don't want to insult animals by likening them to humans without compassion. Humans without compassion are a breed unto themselves.
So to "anonymous" I say this: I am sure that my words can't touch you, but I am ever hopeful that the right person will see those pictures and take away a message of kindness. Thank you for reminding me that my words have value, even if not to you.
Have a blessed day.
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