Warning: The following pictures have been gathered here to provoke contemplation. Many of them are shocking, most of them are stupid and cruel, and all of them are examples of the rampant bias against people of size in the media today. View at your own risk.
Jack Black, himself always an example of fitness, examines the actual size of his lover's panties, proving to the audience that true love renders him actually blind.
Cartoon media exploiting women and people of size. Most of the fat person humor in the media is aimed at women.
Much of the media art available with strong size bias also has a sexual taint to it--and most of it is designed to imply that fat women are easy, desperate and slutty.
Fat bias and a sort of "carnival sideshow" attitude about fat people has been in vogue since the early days of media.
Interestingly this woman would simply be considered overweight and not obese--but that still makes her a target.
I have been amazed by the rampant hostility toward fat women in the media. I believe normally caring, unbiased people become desensitized to it and unaware of it. Awareness is a funny thing. Once I began to gather this research I began to see examples of this sort of "humor" everywhere--including mainstream media, television shows, and even news programming. It's a frightening realization that in our collective mentality as a nation we are very close to accepting and even condoning this sort of sideshow mentality. Awareness is the best way to begin to see things differently. Posting these images today is my effort to make the readers of my blog aware of this bias and sensitive to it.
I appreciate this, it helps me to think about women of all sizes differently.